Committee members - Orkney

  • VO92168


If you or your child have ever been involved with Guiding, this is your perfect chance to give something back without too much commitment. We are a friendly, inclusive group who like to work together to ensure that the hall is safe for users. In order for the Kirkwall Guide Hall to run smoothly, we have a committee that oversee various aspects including general maintenance, cleaning and fundraising.

There are a number of roles within the committee:
• General Committee members
• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Hall Lets
• Fire safety officer

Organisation aims and objectives

We are a group of Rainbow/Brownie/Guide parents who meet 4 times per year to oversee the running and maintenance of the Guide Hall. New faces are welcome - please get in touch through Facebook.

Frequency and commitment details

There are 4 x meetings throughout the year plus an AGM.


Experience required: You must be organised, motivated and be confident using your own initiative as well as willing to help out when required. You should be able to work independently as well as part of a small team. Knowledge of Girl Guiding is not needed.
Travel details: Kirkwall Guide Hall, Thoms Street, Kirkwall. KW15 1PF


Training details: Committee members will work together to inform and support.