
  • VO91623


Grahams Kitchen takes place every Saturday evening between 1930-2100 in the Autowindscreen's forecourt under the Debenhams multistory carpark. We provide hot food, tea/coffee and ferllowship to those most in need. We normally see 40-70 guests on an average evening.. What does the Kitchen consist of? We have a stock of equipment/stores including a picnic table, Norwegian insulated container, large flasks, plates/bowls etc. We normally cook mince, pasta or whatever as well as fill flasks. This is taken to the Overgate just before 7.30 ready to start. So how can you help? Well we need people to:

Cook the food
Drive it to the Overgate
Help serve it and chat to the clients who are there

We have 5 teams who deliver the service so each team does 1 Saturday in 5. There is nothing to stop you doing more and likewise if you could not do every 5th Saturday that is fine as any help is much appreciated.

If you would like to help we’d love to have you. I can honestly say I have never felt so fulfilled since I have been involved and consider myself to be very lucky to be able to take part.

Organisation aims and objectives

Graham’s Kitchen was started about 12 years ago to offer a hot meal and fellowship to those in need on a Saturday evening In the City centre. It is one of a network of support groups in Dundee that offer this but it is the only one on a Saturday. The majority of our guests will have addiction issues and many also have mental health issues.











Travel details: Auto Windscreen forecourt behind the Overgate
Minimum age: 17


Expenses details: Please note: No expenses are paid for this opportunity
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer