One to One Befriender (Lewis)

  • VO92029


The befriender will be matched up to the befriendee by having the same interests and hobbies. On average the pair will meet up once a week and undertake a range of activities depending on a preferred choice, (e.g. meeting for coffee, going for a walk). This opportunity will give the befriender a chance to do something worthwhile in the full knowledge that it is much appreciated.

Organisation aims and objectives

The Lewis Befriending Scheme provides a befriending and mentoring services for adults over the age of 18.

Frequency and commitment details

1 to 2 hours per week


Experience required: Good communication skills would be useful. When a befriender is matched to a befriendee they will often have shared interests and plenty to talk about.
Travel details: The opportunity is available throughout the Isle of Lewis.
Minimum age: 19


Expenses details: Expenses will be covered