Volunteer Advisor

  • VO91834


Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice Bureau is recruiting volunteers for a number of roles within their busy Alloa office located in the town centre.

Clacks CAB assist members of the public with problems with debt and benefits but we advise on all manner of topics, including: energy, employment, consumer, immigration and housing etc.

Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice Bureau run a comprehensive training programme for trainee advisers which provides support and mentoring with an experienced adviser. So applicants must be willing to make a commitment of a year to the post. In return, your travel expenses will be paid by the bureau and there is access to external training once all initial training is completed.

Many advisers have gained useful experience and qualifications whilst volunteering for CAB which have helped them gain employment.

Organisation aims and objectives

We provide free, impartial and confidential advice and support to local residents on a range of issues, including but not limited to benefits, debt, housing and employment. Our organisation has twin aims: 1. To ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available; or through an inability to express their needs 2. To exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally Our services are underpinned by 12 principles: 1. Free 2. Confidential 3. Impartial 4. Independent 5. Client’s right to decide 6. Empowerment 7. Accessible 8. Effective 9. Accountable 10. Voluntary 11. Information retrieval 12. Generalist










Frequency and commitment details

Commitment of 1 year is ideal.


Experience required: No previous experience, full training provided. Be able to maintain client confidentiality.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: All expenses covered by Clacks CAB.
Training details: Clackmannanshire CAB will run a comprehensive training programme for all trainee advisers which will start in early September 2022 and provides support and mentoring with an experienced adviser.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet