Volunteer Participants for University of Aberdeen and Friends of ANCHOR Research Study

  • VO98052


Fancy volunteering in a nutrition study and being part of world-leading research? This is an opportunity to help develop future clinical research into pelvic cancers!

We are looking for men and women over 60 years old, and the overall goal of our study is to explore the mechanism of action of dietary fibre on the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota includes all the small organisms that live in a healthy gut, for example bacteria. And we think that these bacteria enhance the way our body fights cancer cells. As these bacteria are influenced by what we eat, we think that adding specific dietary fibres to a cancer patients diet might help tolerate the cancer therapy better.

However, there is a long way to go before we can prove this in clinical trials and implement this in routine clinical care. The current study is the first step in our journey.

If you decide to be part of our study, we will ask you to take 3 different dietary fibre supplements for 14 days at a time. We will ask you to add these to water or orange juice and consume them twice a day. At the first and last day in which you will take the different supplements, you be invited to the Human Nutrition Unit, our study facility, for a test day.

On these test days, once you arrive in the morning, we will receive your stool sample and provide you with breakfast. After breakfast, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire about your quality of life in the last 2 weeks, to assess the effect of the supplement on your health and wellbeing. Lastly, we will take a blood sample 5 hours after breakfast, after which the test day ends.

We will also inform about your diet with questionnaires, as your diet influences your gut microbiome. We do this using 2 different questionnaires; one enquires about your food intake in the last 3 months, the other asks you to keep a food diary to note down all the food and drinks you have consumed in the 3 days before the 6 test days. Your answers to questionnaires, and your stool and blood samples will help us better understand the role of dietary fibre in our gut.

If you are interested in participating or would like to know more about the study, please click the following link https://www.abdn.ac.uk/rowett/volunteer/dietary_fibre_study.php or email m.vandenhaak.22@abdn.ac.uk

Organisation aims and objectives

For over 100 years, the Rowett Institute has carried out research aimed to help in solving the nutritional problems of the age. We have four main research themes: *Gut Health *Metabolic Health *Obesity and Food Choice *Life-course and Population Health

Frequency and commitment details

The volunteering times are flexible


Experience required: There is no previous experience necessary to be a volunteer! We will explain everything that will be asked of you before you decide to take part in the study.
Travel details: The study will take place in the Rowett institute. Volunteers will be asked to attend the Rowett Institute once every 2 weeks over the course of 11 weeks (a total of 6 visits). Which days of the week the visits will take place will be decided based on the preference of the volunteer and our researcher's schedule. The visit will start between 8am and 9am. We have free dedicated volunteer parking on site and provide a £75 gratuity for completing the study.
Minimum age: 60


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We will provide a £75 gratuity for completing the study and to cover travel costs.
Training details: Excellent support and guidance is provided to all volunteers. When you express an interest in participating, we will invite you to the Rowett Institute for an informal chat. We will explain the study, what we ask of you, and you can ask us any questions you might have. We will also confirm you meet our inclusion criteria. After that, if you are still keen to participate, you will be asked to sign an informed consent form, which officially enrols you in the study. You can call or email us anytime with questions. On the test days, we will make sure to have all questionnaires etc ready for you.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet