Volunteer Treasurer

  • VO90023
  • Home-based volunteering



Pushing Out the Boat magazine (North-east Scotland’s Biennial Magazine of New Writing and the Visual Arts) is looking for a new treasurer to join our team of unpaid volunteers.

We are a small registered charity (SCIO No SC044919). We get our main income from selling our magazine and holding events. Our main costs are printing the magazine and administration.

Your duties would include:

  1. Management of our receipts and payments through our bank and PayPal accounts and in cash
  2. Using Excel spreadsheets to keep our financial records and prepare our annual accounts.

The Treasurer is also a member of our management committee. Whilst the basic skills required to perform the duties described above are essential, we will provide help and support on other aspects of the role. A general interest in the arts would be an asset but is not essential.

We are a friendly group of volunteers whose meetings and occasional events are held in or near Aberdeen. Please browse our website at https://www.pushingouttheboat.co.uk/ to get a feel for what we do.

Contact us at info@pushingouttheboat.co.uk to discuss this opportunity. If you’re interested and qualified, we’ll invite you to meet a small group of trustees to confirm that we’re suited for each other.

Organisation aims and objectives

Pushing Out the Boat (a registered Scottish Charity - SCIO No SC044919) and run by a team of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers is North-East Scotland’s unique literary and arts journal, publishing high-quality prose, poetry and art selected from a unique blend of the global and the local. In its pages are thrillingly gathered artists and writers from all around the world, as well as just around the corner, creating a linguistic mix that welcomes Doric, Scots, and a world of eclectic Englishes that help to bring us a’thegither. We maintain a strong commitment to first time writers and artists; and to outreach, by supplying copies to worthy causes, local libraries and schools – the latter specially to encourage young contributors. We aspire to offer readers the very best regional literary magazine in Scotland.


Training details: Excellent support and relevant guidance is provided to all voliunteers.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet