Coach and Club Helper

  • VO85081


To help Dalkeith Thistle Community Football Club function more smoothly on match days and training nights, help set up and keep the place tidy. Be a welcoming person to coaches/spectators of our club and visiting clubs.

The role will consist of setting things up so as we are ready to function, and ensuring everything is put away properly. This includes:
· Putting barriers out in the car park, and taking them down
· Setting up the poles and tape around all the pitches, and taking them down
· Ensuring coaches use the correct goals and equipment for their matches, helping them set up where necessary
· Ensuring all equipment is put away tidily at the end, helping them dismantle where necessary
· Ensuring the containers and surrounding areas are kept clean and tidy
· Monitoring that spectators are keeping their distances from the pitches, and from each other
This opportunity can be split between volunteers depending on how many hours a volunteer can commit to.

Organisation aims and objectives

To provide football for boys and girls, from walking to 19 year’s old. To provide enjoyment and personal development opportunities for all










2/3 hours in the evening 4 hours on a Sunday morning

Frequency and commitment details

2/3 hours in the evening 4 hours on a Sunday morning 2/3 hours in the evening 4 hours on a Sunday morning


Experience required: To be able to work as part of a team and to take instructions from the coaches
Travel details: On local bus route. Car park available if travelling by car.
Minimum age: 21


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Public transport expenses to be paid weekly
Training details: Duties to be explained by the club committee to the volunteer
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet