
  • VO84271


Volunteer befrienders (18+) will be matched with a person in the East Renfrewshire area aged 65+ who are looking for company or support to become more connected to their community. The befriender will visit the person once a week in their home for an hour or so or accompany them to an activity. If, due to COVID restrictions meetings can't happen, contact will be made over the telephone in the first instance.

Organisation aims and objectives

Mearns Kirk Helping Hands is based in Newton Mearns and we aim to improve health and wellbeing and reduce isolation and loneliness in our community. We do this by providing a range of groups and activities throughout the week including Tai Chi, Blether & Brew Coffee Afternoon, Friendship Club and a Men's Breakfast Club. We also have a befriending project for people aged 65+ who are feeling lonely or isolated and would like the companionship of a volunteer befriender. We are volunteer led and cannot provide any of the services we do, without our amazing volunteer team. We are community helping itself.











Experience required: Good listening skills, excellent communication skills, reliable and committed, some experience of working with older/vulnerable people and an understanding of the impacts of isolation and loneliness.
Travel details: Befrienders will meet people in their homes or in the local community across East Renfrewshire. Any training/support etc. will happen at Mearns Kirk Hall, 404 Mearns Road, G77 5BU or remotely if needed due to restrictions.
Minimum age: 18


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: Reasonable out of pocket expenses for travel and mileage is provided as well as up to £5 for the volunteer to cover any refreshments - submission of receipts and a claim form are required.
Taster available: Yes
Taster details: A potential volunteer would be welcome to shadow an experienced volunteer for a visit, should the volunteer and befriendee give permission to do so.
Training details: Full induction training is given covering boundaries and confidentiality, equality and diversity, safe guarding, assertiveness and communication. One to one support is given regularly and volunteers will be advised of any refresher or relevant training available.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet