Walk Leader

  • VO85964


Do you like the outdoors and meeting people? Why not become a walk leader for Ageing Well and assist us by joining a team in your local area and train to lead health walks and help promote physical activity to those over 50 in Midlothian.
Ageing Well are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help deliver a health promotion programme to their peers. There are currently seven weekly walks in Midlothian and we would like to offer more and introduce different levels of walks too. After a year of lockdown some people are struggling with their fitness levels as well as social isolation and we would like to help by offering a weekly activity that would be suitable for all abilities. There is a short training course on leading walks as well as a training pack on all things Ageing Well. Equipment and any expenses will be paid for and there are other opportunities to learn new things and meet like-minded volunteers who want to make a difference to other people’s lives and have fun and keep fit at the same time. If walking isn’t your thing, we also offer other sessions in various sports and activities as well as running annual events and offering functional fitness and information days throughout Midlothian.

Organisation aims and objectives

Ageing Well aims to improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of people over the age of 50 in Midlothian by organising various activities including health walks, pilates, yoga, keep fit, dance, tai chi and aquafit with the aid of volunteers who lead and encourage others to take part in these activities.










2 hours per week

Frequency and commitment details

2 hours per week


Experience required: A willingness to get on with people and an enthusiasm for the outdoors and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Travel details: The majority of walking groups meet near bus routes or a short distance away.
Minimum age: 50


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: We pay public transport rates and mileage rates every month.
Training details: There is an induction pack which explains about the project and gives various guidance on topics that volunteers find useful. Walk leader training is required which is delivered via Paths for All and is usually a 6 hour course and we also offer first aid training and other training as requested. The coordinator will support volunteers and other volunteers will also support and ensure they are welcomed into the group and assist with leading at the start.
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer,
Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet